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Lev Aharon Organization
Rav Aharon Walkin Zt'L speaking about Rav Yaakov Galinsky on purim
archived by the Lev Aharon Foundation
Rav Aharon Walkin Zt'L speaking about Rav Yaakov Galinsky on Purim
Lev Aharon Organization
Rav Walkin Zt"l Giving Brochos to talmidim after receiving sandek
Rav Aharon walkin zt"L, the Lev Aharon, giving brachos to talmidim after receiving sandik at the bris of Rav Efraim ben Mordechai's son
Lev Aharon Organization
Rav Aharon Walkin Zt"l | dancing with the Torah | 2018
in 2018, Rav walkin Zt"l with his talmidim, wrote a Sefer Torah in memory of the Azan family
Lev Aharon Organization
Rav Chaim Pinchos Scheinberg ZT"L Lectures on setting aside time to learning Torah. (English)
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In 1992 Rav Ahron Walkin ZT"L Headed Yeshivah Bein HaZmanim, a unique Program at the time. During this time Rav Ahron Invited many Gedolim to deliver inspiring lectures. Here, Rav Chaim Pinchos Scheinberg delivers a lecture on the importance of setting aside time for learning Torah.
Lev Aharon Organization
HaGaon HaRav Aharon Walkin zt"l Singing Ani Ma'amin on Tisha B'Av
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A short excerpt of a Tisha B'Av event delivered by the Rosh HAYishivah in his Beis Medrash, Congregation Beth Aharon
Lev Aharon Organization
Rav Yitzchak Yosef is maspid Rav Aharon Walkin Zt"l
The Rishon LiZion giving a eulogy on Rav Aharon Walkin zt"l, Rosh Yeshivah Ohel Simcha of Queens, NY, And Rov and AB"D in Lakewood NJ
Lev Aharon Organization
Rav Noach I Oelbaum Hesped on HaGaon HaRav Aharon Walkin Zt"L
Rav Noach I Oelbaum, Rov of Khal Nachlas Yitzchok, giving a Hesped on HaGaon HaRav Aharon Walkin Zt"L.
Lev Aharon Organization
Rare Find | Video of Rav Moshe Feinstein Zatzal Being Sandik at a Bris
From the archives of Rav Aharon Walkin Zatal
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Lev Aharon Organization
Rabbi Aharon Walkin Zt"l explains the Halachos of an Esrog (Temani)
Rav Aharon Walkin Zt"l explains the Hahalachos of an Esrog
AK Studio Films
Harav Ahron Walkin Zt"l 30 days Tribute Film
This was one my most hardest film I have ever produced in my entire career.
My Rabbi was the world to me. He inspired us all, loved us like a father, and at our hard times, he cried for us like a mother. I am grateful to God for putting him in my life. I have many great memories of him to carry on.
To my dear Rebbe, we will carry on your legacy.
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